Floor Levelling is Everything
From Floor Levelling to Perfect Tile Setting
Floor levelling using the dry pack method
You have finally chosen the perfect tiles for that special space in your home. Now it’s time to find experts to rip out the existing floor, clean the surface, inspect the subfloor, level the floor and begin tiling!
Whether it’s the foyer, hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen or bathroom floor you want perfection. One of the most important aspects of your new tile floor is actually what is hidden beneath it, the sub-floor. If the sub-floor is not completely levelled, the tile flooring will not sit properly and will be generally weakened, eventually causing the tiles to crack and break.
There are various methods used to level a floor for the purpose of installing tile flooring. Many do-it-yourselfers prefer to use a self-levelling compound (SLC) to level a floor, as it is the quickest and easiest method. However, the preferred method and the method used by professional tile installers like ProTile Installers, is to level the floor using dry pack cement mix.
The first step is to draw chalk lines on the walls that are perfectly level as a guide for placing the dry pack. You will need to plan for the height of doors and adjoining room floors as the dry pack and tile will add height to the existing floor. Depending on what the sub-floor is made of.
For wood subfloors, we will apply the dry pack directly.
For concrete floors, the dry pack bonds better to a coat of thinset which is applied first.
Dry pack and wire mesh subfloor preparation
The best dry pack installation consists of a staple wire mesh directly on the sub-floor (plywood). We will then apply the dry pack directly on the wire mesh. Wire mesh and dry pack together will ensure the strongest possible sub-floor and can be used with any existing flooring.
The next step is to mix the dry pack. Dry Pack consists of 1 part Portland Cement to 4 or 5 parts moist masonry sand. You will want to have the mixture malleable, not too runny or watery, so that you are able to squeeze the mixture into a ball in your hand.
Next you will apply the dry pack to the floor or wire mesh and firmly pack it and spread it evenly to the chalk lines. Because the tile will be applied directly to the dry pack, it is imperative to keep the dry pack perfectly level. You will do this by using a 2×4 piece of wood (screed) as a guide to smooth the dry pack evenly across the floor, resulting in a perfectly level floor.
Wire Mesh & Dry Pack to Level Floors
Allow the dry pack to dry for at least 24 hours before tile is applied. During this 24 hour period, and for up to a total of 72 hours, it is important that you do not place more than 200 lbs. of pressure on the dry pack as it will jeopardize its integrity and may cause it to crack. It will be fully dried within 72 hours.
Levelling a floor using wire mesh and dry pack is a skill that is best left for experienced professionals. If you are in the Greater Toronto Area, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby or Oshawa and would like ProTile Installers to level your floor, please contact us today at 416-937-8115. We provide floor levelling and tile installation services for both homeowners and other contractors. We look forward to working with you soon!
Why ProTile?
Lasers, Long Edges and Levels.
When dealing with large surfaces anything larger than a tiny bathroom, it becomes a little trick to make sure the floor is levelled from one end of the room to the other. To achieve perfectly levelled floors, we rely on more than one tool. We typically use a 360 degree spinning laser to mark the desired heights all around the room, then begin the spread of dry pack throughout and push and pull with 12 foot plus aluminum straight edges that are perfect for spreading the dry pack evenly. In tighter, smaller areas we use levels.
Floor Levelling Projects
To get a better understanding of the process floor levelling, we have put together a good selection of photos taken over the years. From wire mesh installation to mixing the dry pack to applying the drypack and finally drawing lines to plan tile installation.
Heated Floors.
The busiest room in the house should always be cosy in every way possible, that where family gathers and stories are told.
Get heated floors for your kitchen and say hello warmth and comfort when you need it. Heated floors installation is more affordable than ever however it must be planned for prior to tile installation, please give us a call to discuss options and cost.
Call Toronto’s floor levelling experts!
When it comes to tile installation and floor levelling, ProTile Installers is your #1 choice. Call us today for a FREE consultation:
Toronto and GTA: 416-937-8115, protile8@gmail.com